JAFPE : Japan Association of Fire Protection Engineers



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May 26th, 2021

JAFPE Seminar on “Evacuation in Fire Using Elevators for a High-rise Office Building”

In 2016, JAFPE released the first version of “Guidelines for Evacuation using Elevators in Fire for a High-rise Office Building”. Since then, we have been continuing to revise this book for publication of the final version targeting at the end of this fiscal year. In this seminar, we will introduce the contents of the revised guidelines to ask for suggestions and comments widely for improvement. We look forward to your participation.
・Date: 13:30-16:30, June 21th, 2021
・Holding Method: Zoom Meeting
・Contact Information: info@jafpe.or,jp
⇒Workshop details (Japanese)

April 26th, 2021

Seminar Fire Safety of Capsule Hotel was held

JAFPE established the working group to study fire safety of capsule hotels.
Capsule hotel in Japan means a type of an accommodation that has a lot of capsule unit for sleeping in a room and it has been increasing recently expecting the use of foreign sightseers. The seminar Fire Safety of Capsule Hotel based on the result of the study was held 14th of April.
⇒Detailed information

February 24th, 2021

Symposium on Medium Size Wooden Structure

Institution 木を活かす建築物推進協会 will be holding a symposium.
Movies are valid online from Feb.15th to March 15th to those who applied.
Applications are available from February 10th to March 10th.
For further information and application, please check the program below.
⇒Sympodium program (Japanese)

February 17th, 2021

Questionnaire Survey on Fire Protection Engineering and Engineers for SFPE Asia-Oceania Chapters

We SFPE Japan chapter carried out the questionnaire survey on fire protection engineering and engineers for SFPE Asia-Oceania chapters. We did it for the purpose of enhancing the exchange activities in this region that has slowed in these days. Quite a few chapters proposed to have a regular meeting and seminar even though by on line.
⇒Presentation file of the result of the survey

February 12th, 2021

2021General meeting and Fire engineering Seminar

General meeting was held February 5th as web conference with about40 attendants.
In this conference new 11 board members were elected for two-yeas term.
After the general meeting, the seminar titled “Fire protection design of accommodation in suburban area with void space” was held. This is the presentation of the case study by SFPE Japan chapter for 13th International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods to be held in Auckland, New Zealand with other countries’ study.
⇒Presentation file of Japanese case study

January 18th, 2021

2021General meeting and Fire engineering Seminar

General meeting will be held February 5th as web conference. As a quorum consist of a majority of the members, we expect your attendance.
After the general meeting, we will have a Seminar titled “Fire protection design of accommodation in suburban area with void space”. This is the presentation of the case study by SFPE Japan chapter for 13th International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods to be held in Auckland, New Zealand.

December 22nd, 2020

Activities of WG for the safety of Capsule Hotel

WG for the safety of Capsule Hotel kas been concluding the former research as a draft report this year. The draft report will be finished by the end of this year. The seminar about this draft report for members will be held till next spring. The result of the discussion will be reflected to the final report.

December 22nd, 2020

Result of SFPE election

・President Kiyoshi Fukui[Board of Director]・・・・・・・・・Not Elected
・Ai Sekizawa[Nominating Committee for election]・・・・・・Elected

Most of the elected Board of Director are from the United States mainland and only one is from SFPE Europe. Another strategy might be necessary to make sure the relationship between chapters in Asia and SFPE headquarter.

November 18th, 2020

JAFPE Visits On-line a New Wood Building of Sumitomo Forestry in Tsukuba

JAFPE members are invited to visit on line a new wood building at Sumitomo Forestry in Tsukuba, Ibaragi. Wood is used all round the three-story green building with an inner court taking light and fresh air into all parts of the place: info gallery, offices, and meeting rooms. Performance based design made possible exposed wood in the interior: the underside of CLT floor decks, laminated posts and beams along the perimeter, and checkerboard-shaped LVL blocks with prestressing to form the structural core and cover the inner court space. The meeting will be held on line according to JAFPE’s Covid-19 health and safety principles at 18:00 on Monday, December 14, chaired by JAFPE President Fukui, and attended by people at Sumitomo and others committed to the project.

August 13th, 2020

safety design guideline for small elderly facilities was published

Fire safety design guideline for small elderly facilities ―Common knowledge for designers, operators and staffs― was published by Architectural Institute of Japan. Most of the co -author of this book are the members of our society.

Fire safety design guideline for small elderly facilities
This book was based on the research activity of WG for evacuation safety of elderly facilities and schools. This research was honored as the educational prize of Architectural Institute of Japan 2014.

This book addresses following issues.

・Establishment of the design method of fire and evacuation safety taking into consideration of life style of the residents, care activities by staffs and emergency response.

・Common resource about fire and evacuation safety for all who concern with this type of facilities such as government staffs (welfare, building safety and fire safety) owner, operator and staffs of such facilities.

Most of the co -author of this book are the members of our society.

Detailed information by AIJ: https://www.aij.or.jp/books/productId/635502/