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Activities And Achivements

July 21, 2018

JAFPE Advance Party walks through the Tukiji Wholesale Market

It would be nice if JAFPE could arrange a site visit to Tsukiji food market, soon to close its doors in its history of more than 80 years relocating to Toyosu. Is it possible?
No, unfortunately, as far as you are only a visitor or a sight-seer. Yes, however; it could be possible, if you are a buyer among other retailers and chefs. Need an ID card for security check? No. All you need is minimum knowledge regarding which stall you want to shop at, because you need to prove you’re a buyer who knows which way to go in case a guard asks you. The team needs to be 5 or less in number; the market aisles are too congested with wholesalers, retailers, chefs, famous “turret truck” drivers speeding down to carry boxes of food, etc.
Those were the findings from the JAFPE advance party of eight members guided by Yutaka Kobayashi, a JAFPE board member for technical site visits.
The market will be closed in early October. Let us get ready before it is too late!

JAFPE Advance Party walks through the Tukiji Wholesale Market
JAFPE participants: 8