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Activities And Achivements

December 6, 2016

JAFPE tours Ashiyahama high-rise buildings with refuge floors already in the 1970s.

The Koshien Hall is a historical building constructed in 1930 as Koshien Hotel. The hotel was designed by Arata Endo (1889–1951), a favorite disciple of the American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959). Now a part of Mukogawa Women's University, the building is protected as a Tangible Cultural Property, on the Kami-Koshien Campus which also houses the school of architecture called Architecture Studio. The Architecture Studio was built in 2007 using the most advanced technology at the time to harmonize with the Koshien Hall. The JAFPE delegate this time enjoyed the opportunity to visit both the Hall and the Studio thanks to the university as well as Nikken Sekkei who designed the studio.
Students in the department can utilize these two buildings as living texts, and are privileged to receive an education at a level that meets the UIA/UNESCO's international standard of architectural education. More info of the department is available at: http://arch.mukogawa-u.ac.jp/index_EN.html
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関西地区見学会午後の部 芦屋浜高層住宅、兵庫県芦屋市
JAFPE participants: 9